Billi Bong

You To Decide

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It needs a courage of Hercules to take owns life and only devil knows how much to kill your most desperate dream.

Kartikeya always wanted to be a writer, he even wrote for a school magazine under a name ‘shampoo’. The story behind being called himself shampoo goes like, when he was 9 years old, he drank a bottle full of shampoo just because he thought that after mixing with water in stomach every time he will exhale, bubbles will produce just like in the movies. This little adventure caused him 3 days in ICU and significant amount of money to spent in hospital when his father was unemployed and thus begin the journey of beating his mother every other day. It’s just a title to remind him the starting of his dark days.


But right now, Kartikeya is standing at the edge of 20 Storey building’s roof and deciding whether to jump or not.
Many thoughts came across that 15-year-old boy’s mind, like the day when his father brought his favorite butterscotch ice-cream and later used that wrapper to choke his mother during old habit of beating, even though he is successful now.


Or the fact that he was the reason his only best friend Bedi was killed in an accident because he couldn’t contain the excitement of riding a new bike of his friend and went on a highway to test its limit and eventually loosing his control over that 300cc beast.
Or that he has been bullied ever since he joined the reputed school his father always talked about which he could never qualified its test but later got admission because the principal there is now having an affair with his father.

No! He shouted very loudly in his mind.
There was just one reason to remain alive in this chaos, which was love of his life who had been talking to him not directly but to shampoo. She is madly in love with shampoo and he thought it’s time to disclose the identity to her for his own sake.
Yes! He has decided not to jump.

Coincidentally he receives two happy messages that his scholarship to study abroad has been granted and another that Jia knows who shampoo and she can’t wait to tell him in person how happy she is.
And he slipped!
But to which side?

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