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Topic: Revealing The Redstone

For News Global Incorporation
By Mr.Hash

Prison Redstone has always been infamous for their twisted way of giving punishment, over the centuries it has gained the reputation of ‘hell in reality’. One saying in that hell is, “there are countless ways to get killed in this prison, the most easiest one is to not attempt a run.” In the world where progression has taken place at a pace and there are people who even says that “terrorist are human treat them with humanity” are nothing but a impotent jerk when it comes to talk about prison Redstone. For many so-called human right activist, Redstone is Marilyn Monroe, they can dream of touching her, kissing her, even fucking her but that is nothing more than a most possibly impossible dream to come true. What gave this prison a that much of power has remained mystery for everyone except for those who are profiting from it.


The only part in a male body that can be removed without affecting his life expectancy is the one which we use as a great tool to screw women, the first ever line said to me by John, one of the 50 guards in outer periphery when I entered the redstone.
No, I’m not a prisoner but a guard but then again here it is just a titular difference.
There has always been speculation about this prison in the outside world. And no one truly knows the correct answer. The prison is located somewhere in the islands of Pacific ocean and for some reason which I’m about to know, you can’t go back to your family once you’ve entered the perimeter. But they offer such a lucrative amount to say yes to this program, it is a lifetime opportunity to earn a good life for your family. Nothing is free, you trade something for something, like your time and talent and peace of mind to earn money and here you lost your most important aspect of life which is freedom but a lots and lots of money.

On my first day I was given a tour on what not to do and trust me the list is quite long & some are absolutely absurd. Then after the briefings of all horrors, they introduced me to the general Zod, yes you heard me right he strictly love to address himself by this name only, one other reason is that no one knows his real name or maybe this is his real name afterall. Great physique, muscular build, charismatic personality and a hint of sociopath dressed in a green suit with mirror polished black shoes. With him there were four other guards who are very identical to him, at first and from distance you will be confused just like I was. General Zod let me kiss his hands which I did very awkwardly after one guard gave me a very intense look as if his life depends on this mere act.
You must be the first man in history to happily volunteer for this job said by the general to which I nodded very stiffly. General was observing me from top to bottom and after 5 sec he asked which shoe polish you use gentleman? I wasn’t ready for that kind of question and abruptly said same to you sir, he wasn’t shocked or angry or something, infact he said my brand is Mr. Shine and yours? I replied same sir and he said I like this guard number 69, his no. is funny too.
We all here are assigned a no. and were ordered very strictly not to ever mention our real name, only if you want that great tool of yours to be amputated.
Any guesses how I know the name John?

Someone came running towards us, he was one of the prisoner tried not to eat only god knows what it is. His name is Strawboy, before here in jail he used to manufacture straws. One day in his factory, a employee brought his daughter to factory tour and when her father was not around he raped that 10 year old soul. For this henious crime he deserves death but his reliable sources lead him to worse than that, Redstone.
So his running came to halt when general Zod gave him a marvelous headshot. He came close to that fresh corpse and said in his ear, I try very hard but you guys won’t let me change I may be Hitler by nature but Gandhi is my idol!

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