Billi Bong

Greenish Brown Eye

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It was raining cats and dogs. I was all alone in my house. Suddenly my cat made a loud noise, and I woke up from a sleep. And I realized that it’s been more than two days since my cat has eaten anything, it’s not that I don’t take good care of her but I’m unemployed for at least 1 year and right now I don’t have any money to spend, even for a food. 

I still remember the day when that strange looking cat with a greenish-brown eyes started following me on the street. I couldn’t resist her gazing towards me and took her home. 

Day by day she gets me rid of all the lizards in the house, followed by cockroach’s massacre. Every other second or minute or days were all sunshine with her. I never knew one could find such solace in the animal. 

For me, that affection was beyond anything else, and I vowed to take good care of her and myself. 

Though she is the reason why I’m unemployed because she couldn’t leave me alone and whenever I try to go somewhere she starts screaming. Days went and now I’m broke. But that cat, that cat is my everything. My friend, my best friend with whom I share an inexplicable bond. 

Coming to the present, let’s check on her. Yeah, she is standing there, her greenish-brown eyes are just as exhilarating as always and I can never leave her too, never.

But sometimes I wonder, like I saw my reflection on that street and not a cat and it is one-in-a-million coincidence that we both have same color of eyes. 

And most of the times it feels strange when I took her in my arms, she feels like a pillow, a stuffed animal, I even think that hunger made me eat lizards and cockroaches, but it is just what I think and not a truth which I’m ignoring. 

And yes, I love my cat or my reflection, who knows? But one thing for sure that cats are more lovable.

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