Billi Bong

THe art of


Your Hub for Original Poetries, Short Stories and Films. Quick Breaks, Endless Entertainment!”

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"Get Published Today! Share Your Story on Billi Bong!"

Billi Bong is your go-to site for getting your creative work noticed! Whether you’re a writer of short stories, Poetry or a filmmaker of short films, we make it easy for you to share your talent. Submit your work today and see it featured on our platform. Join our friendly community of storytellers and let your creativity shine at Billi Bong!

an book image with a text written on it "your story"
image of Empty shells in library. with a text written on it "our community
image of earth with text written on it your story

1. Get Published

Click on the button on top right side 'get published'

11. Fill out Form

Fill out the basic information about your self.

111. Upload PDF

After filling the info. Upload your work in PDF format.
(max file upload limit : 50 MB)

1v. Verification

After successfully submitting, we will read your work. And will rectify grammatically if any mistake occurs.

v. Posted

As soon as, our team completes the verification process we will post your story on the website


We will notify you after posting your story. Through the given email written by you.

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